After we went to an ATM we ventured to the
The Jesuit mission stood here and St Ignace continued to grow when French fur traders and soldiers, in the 1680’s built Ft deBuade to the south.
St Ignace was an important stop on the way to everywhere. Olivia enjoyed the
We had been told to be sure and eat at
Tuesday, July 13, With everything in order, we were up early and headed to Canada, stopping for gas and a last US Wal-Mart stop in Sault Ste Marie, MI. The border crossing was larger than others we had been through and we were searched, but we were ok, so we were turned loose. Even though we know we are legal, it is always a stressful event. Legal except for being way over the small limit for cigarettes and wine.
The people in this part of Canada are very much like the people in the USA, they speak English! The big difference is they use the metric system. Gas is sold by the liter. 3,8 Liters per gallon. The roadside markers are in kilometers and kilograms. Our speedometer has both MPH and KPH so its not too difficult to drive at their posted speed. To find how far it is to the next town or attraction we multiply the posted distance in kilometers by .6. So if the posted distance to the next town is 60 kilometers, we multiply by .6 and know it is 36 miles. Bridge weights are a different matter. A sign may say the maximum weight is 20,000 kilograms. We have no clue what that is in pounds, so we just keep driving!
Canada has no paper money below five dollars. One and two dollars coins are common. Fred says it seems he always has $4.75 in coins in his pocket and it’s quite a load. You get used to it.
Heading north we searched for and found
The rocks attracted Olivia and we walked the beach a couple of times looking and yes picking up some of the
Our neighbors invited us to a campfire. They are teachers in Grand Rapids and he was full of fun songs to entertain us. We were interrupted with the
Wednesday July 14, we headed north over the last part of the TransCanada highway to be finished. It was the hardest part to complete because it is in the Canadian Shield. The Canadian Shield is Canada’s oldest mountain range, dating back millions of years. At one time their peaks were over 16,000 feet. Today they peak at about 4,000 feet. Glaciers and time have taken their toll. We passed
The electric jack on the trailer had been giving us trouble and not wanting to lift high enough, so we were hunting for a place to get it fixed or replaced. It’s not like it hasn’t been used! But if it goes out, we can’t hook or unhook.
We drove into Wawa, and stopped at the information center where the big goose was looking over the highway. This goose was placed in celebration of the completion of the TransCanadian highway.
The girl in the information center called and made us an appointment for a mechanic to look at the jack, so while we waited we drove out to
We waited for our appointment where we found they couldn’t help and by the time we left it was time to stop for the day. There was an RV park close by so we checked in.
As we were in the office another couple was also there and they were talking about the wild blueberries being ready, so you know us, we were all ears. They told us where to find them and we met them there. This patch was seven miles up the highway and then five miles on a gravel road. It is government owned and
Thursday July 15 started off on the wrong foot. The electric jack wouldn’t go up, so we couldn’t hook on. The
Fred also knew one of the trailer tires had been low, so before leaving town we went to a tire place before we ended up stranded on the lonesome highway. Sure enough there was a nail in it. We rolled on west on the TransCandian highway past White Lake which is the birthplace of “Winnie the Pooh.” Olivia tried to
Further west we past a huge
At Marathon we decided to see if there was anyone with trailer supplies and check the lug nuts on the repaired tire. We found this town a little larger, with a population of 3,700, than the other towns we had been through. Sure enough at a Canadian Tire store they knew of the tire place and Major’s Fabrication Shop who also had trailer supplies. Whoopee! And he had just the thing. We had checked the catalogs and the price he quoted for the most expensive one in the catalog was a lot cheaper. Not only that, he didn’t charge for the installation. Were we impressed! Our old jack had a lift rating of 2,500 pounds. The new one is rated at 3,500 pounds. We were living right! Thank you God!
The town of Marathon had a
The beach was called Pebble beach and the view to the
May’s gift shop on the highway advertised free overnight camping for RV’s and we took advantage of the site behind the gift shop. Thank you May. The traffic along this stretch of highway was 45% trucks, 45% RV’s and 10% cars and they all stopped at night. So we slept undisturbed.
Friday, July 16 we drove west to Neys Provensal park to see the sights. This was the location of a WWII German
The roadway took us over mountains and by some more
In Terrace Bay we stopped to see the
We were really in the remote part of Canada. What was more surprising was the highway was a good paved smooth road with passing lanes when needed.
At Schreiber we were at the most northern point of Lake Superior and our turning south place. We were officially heading home.
We had planned to stop around Nipigon, but decided to move on just a little further because of the attractions there. However, this was not a good idea as we passed up good spots and then there were none. Deciding we would have to go all the way to Thunder Bay we stopped at the
Amethyst Mine Panorama to mine some for ourselves. This open pit mine is 1100’ long, 54’ wide and 40’ deep and has been in continuous operation since 1965.
The Legend of this mine is millions of years ago Bacchus, the god of wine was angered at the insults of man and vowed to let his tigers devour the first human they could catch. A beautiful princess named Amethyst was traveling from Lake Superior to worship at Diana’s Grotto on the highest hilltop. Hearing the tiger she climbed up to Elbow Lake hoping to escape by canoe. No canoe could be found so she quickly climbed into a nearby crystal cave and prayed for help. The goddess Diana hearing the maiden’s prayer sealed the princess safely into the cave. Bacchus, remorseful and ashamed poured red wine on the cave freeing the princess. The wine stained the crystals in the cave creating the beautiful gemstone Amethyst. These colored crystals are mined from the vugs and caves at Amethyst Mine Panorama.
Amethyst Crystals are one of the strangest objects in nature. It is not alive, yet it grows. A crystal attracts the same kind of materials of which it is composed, arranges them with great accuracy in geometrical forms and cements them together. Large vugs allow for growth of extremely large amethyst crystals, some up to 8” in diameter.
The color of amethyst ranges from pale reddish violet to dark bluish purple, sometimes side by side.
The miners use jackhammers, high-pressure water, picks, shovels and hand labor to carefully remove the amethyst.
They had many
beautiful samples on
display as well as letting us into the reject piles
to pick up as many as we wanted to pay for. This area of Canada has the largest known deposit in the world. We found a good amount of
small stones to take home with us.
Some interesting facts about Amethyst are:
The name is derived from a Greek word meaning “not drunken”
Bishops traditionally wear an amethyst ring.
Amethyst symbolizes deep love, happiness, humility, sincerity and wealth.
By the time we finished mining we were exhausted! And no place to park the trailer. We tried a couple of places with no luck and were heading into Thunder Bay when we saw a sign. Even though they were full the owner took pity on us and let us stay in a roadway behind the office. We were thankful for anyplace. We slept the clock around.
Saturday, July 17 Another month since leaving home. We felt more rested and headed to Thunder Bay stopping at the
Terry Fox memorial and information center. Terry was a courageous one-legged runner who embarked on a cross-country run for cancer research, “The Marathon of Hope.” This site stands near the place where he ended his 3,339 mile run, stricken with the disease that ended his life.
We could see a great view of Thunder Bay as well as the “Sleeping Giant” across the bay. Fred was surprised to learn Thunder Bay has a population of over 110,000.
We found our desired camp ground at the city’s Chippawa Park on the coast of Lake Superior and south of downtown. It also offers an amusement park, fishing, and wildlife park.
We decided to take in the Fort William Historical Park which was at the end of their two week Rendezvous festival.
We experienced the heyday of the Canadian fur trade in the re-creation of the North West Company’s impressive inland headquarters. There were 42 authentic, buildings in this fort and today was their Celtic Knot Celebration. The Celtic culture made a significant contribution to North America and the globe. We watched the Highland games as young mentossed logs as far as they could. Entering the Canoe Shed where large birch bark
canoes were built.
We saw examples of how fur traders adapted native technology for the company use. All of the young people working there were in period dress and character. Fred enjoyed visiting with them and asking challenging questions.
One young lady pointed to our sandals and ask why the toes showed and what the material was. Remember it is 1815. Fred told her we were from the Tejas province of Mexico and as we neared Canada after a months long journey wild beaver, curious about the material, had eaten holes in them. The sandals were made from the hide of a nauga, a wild animal found in Mexico. Somehow she kept a straight face.
We thought of Daniel, a member of PETA, as we entered the fur store, where we visited with the salesman about the quality of beaver fur for the famous beaver hats. We saw
large bundles of furs ready for shipment.
Outside we saw girls dancing the Highland Fling for the entertainment of all. And went into the Great Hall for
for a “Scottish Tea.”
For more information on this park go to
Sunday, July 18 we played lazy this morning then took a short ride being the Locavores, (someone who eats food grown or produced locally,) that we are we went hunting for locally grown food. We found three farms, but all were closed. Olivia went to the office and borrowed their internet and chatted with Angie.
The Chippawa park, a Thunder Bay park, held a Melodrama “A street car named Chippawa,” and within minutes it was sold out. A local person sat next to us and filled us in on some of the names and locations. Instead of popcorn, they sold bags of wadded up paper balls to throw at the villain.
We threw till our arms were tired and still had balls to give to others. It was truly a fun afternoon and of course the hero won over the villain.
We learned that Thunder Bay had been two towns and the area had been called “Lake Head.” In 1970 they had an election with three names submitted: Lake Head, The Lake Head, or Thunder Bay. The two Lake Heads split the majority and Thunder Bay it became. But the locals still call it the Lake Head.
Monday, July 18, It was time to head to the good old USA. We enjoyed the beautiful Lake Superior and the Canadian Shield, but as usual we will be glad to be back to dollars and cents instead of looneys and tooneys, and our internet and cell phones.
One week was nice in Canada, but we were on the move everyday and that’s not our cup of tea. We had thunder showers and beautiful thunder heads our last night in Chippawa park and after dark
the moon came out next to one.
Our next letter will be a little of Wisconsin as we cross over to the western upper peninsula of Michigan to complete the circle of Lake Superior. Will that be the WUP? What will they be called?
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