Fred especially enjoyed looking at the
We were pleased to be able to see a program showing us artifacts from their archives. We saw part of a ceiling from Superdome in Pontiac.
An old nose guard and this is
One display was
One area had a large display for the record holders.
The Super Bowl area let Fred almost get his hands on the
prized trophy and Olivia enjoyed reading the statistics of the big game.
Super Bowl is the Top At-Home Party event of the year, ahead of New Year’s Eve.
Sales of big screen TVs show FIVEFOLD increase during Super Bowl week.
No team has played the Super Bowl in their home stadium.
There are 7.5 Million parties on Super Bowl Sunday with 43.9 million party goers.
International Broadcasters made Super Bowl XLII available to audiences in 223 countries and territories AND
Super Bowl weekend is the SLOWEST weekend for weddings!
Downstairs Fred
competed with a 12 year old for completed passes. Fred says don’t believe the photographic work that makes the football look like it is tumbling end over end. He only throws tight spirals! Yeah, sure.
Monday, May 10 we explored the Ohio Amish area, or at least a small part. As we had arrived on Sunday we noticed lots of buggy’s at several homes. We learned on this trip the Amish are organized in small groups of about 30 families. They rotate hosting Sunday services.
Fred thought the Ohio Amish movement was rather new and was a result of crowding in Pennsylvania. We later learned the Amish migrated just like other Americans and , in fact, were in Ohio in the early 1800s.
Our first stop was at Shearer’s Marketplace. They make potato chips, cheese curls, pretzels, pork rinds, tortilla chips and on and on. This was also their outlet store and we found two huge sacks of bargains for a total of only $3.50.
The next stop was Lehman’s. This store had thousands of products we thought they quit making years ago.
There were lots ofcookie cutters,
a whole department of lamps, and another full of
laundry aids.
They had appliances that looked like grandma’s, but are modern like ours. The
old icebox fooled several including Fred. They tried to open the locks on the front. But it is a covering for a real refrigerator. Around the corner was a whole row of
ranges, ovens and other refrigerators. Today Lehman’s ships old-fashioned, non-electric merchandise all over the world through their catalog and web site; to missionaries and doctors working in developing countries, to homesteaders and environmentalist living in remote areas; to those with unreliable electricity living on islands and mountains; second home owners, hunters, fishers and cabin dwellers; the chronically nostalgic and even Hollywood set designers looking for historically accurate period pieces. So the Amish have a product more people can use. Dometic was the manufacturer for several of these items and they also produce products for RV’s. We spent several hours there and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Down the road a piece we saw the Troyers Trail Bologna and Fred put on the breaks. Last year we heard about the local bologna in Pennsylvania from a new friend, so we wanted to try the local Ohio bologna.
Our next stop was at the
Yoder’s Amish Home. At most of the older Amish homesteads, there are usually two homes. We were actually taken into the homes at one farmstead. One is for the parents and the son builds his home larger for children. The kitchen
of the older home only had a dry sink and the older stove.
While the son’s home being newer had the sewing machine and
indoor plumbing. Young ladies were baking in the
big kitchen and we were ushered upstairs to learn about the
clothing. The hats have various size brims for different orders. Black is always worn on Sunday. The ladies wear solid color dresses and during the week their aprons match the dress. On Sunday they wear a white apron that is pinned on with straight pins. The ladies bonnets vary with age, but they all looked alike to us.
The boys room had a sample of the male pants. They have no fly, but the front has buttons on the sides with a lap over.
We learned there are many types of Amish, some stricter than others. This area also has Mennonites (such as our guide) and they are less strict. If you noticed the doll in a picture above, it had no face. The strick Amish feel putting a face on a doll would be a graven image.
A very brief history and customs of the Amish faith were explained. It originated in Switzerland several centuries ago.
There were two little girls on our tour and they stole the show from the docent several times, especially in the barn. As we came down the steep stairs we followed our noses to the summer kitchen where they had all kinds of cookies, jams and jellies. We purchased some cookies and their peanut butter cream. It is made with peanut butter, marshmallow cream and maple syrup. As we walked out the door two dogs followed us all the way to the barn, just knowing we were going to share our cookies.
The brown wagon by the barn is a communal bench wagon. Each church division has one. When it is a members turn to host Sunday meeting they take the wagon home. It has enough benches for all the members. The host takes all the furniture out of the living room and kitchen and places the rows of benches for their three hour service. The men on one side, the women the other, facing each other. The speaker stands in the doorway between the two rooms.
The barn was full of lots of animals and they all had babies. We could really tell spring was here.
The farms are about 80 acres and have no electricity.
Another stop was Heini’s Cheese Chalet with free samples of over
50 locally produced cheeses. Yum!
From there we drove to Sugar Creek to see theirtheir “little Switzerland” motif on the store fronts. We were getting tired so we skipped going inside.
Instead we headed to Wilmot to The Amish Door for an Amish meal. We both chose roast beef with “real” mashed potatoes. Too much for one meal so we had another meal in the refrigerator. On the way back to the trailer we saw a farmer in the field with his horses.Tuesday, May 11 we were going to move to western Ohio but we woke up to rain and decided to stay put and see some more of the Amish area.
Keim Lumber Company was our first stop and we spent at least 1.5 hours. The quality of their wares were outstanding. The
wood for paneling and molding was unbelievable. And they offered free samples of over 150 types of molding.
Fred was especially impressed with the exotic lumber. This purple wood was from Africa and was extremely heavy. Also pricy! One board about the size Fred is holding made from sheoak cost $600. But if you wanted something special, you could get it here.
We talked to wallpaper specialist about our front bedroom for wallpaper and were shown a heavy paper lining to apply horizontally instead of putting up sheetrock.
The walls of our 100 year old home are shiplap and originally the wallpaper was hung on a cheesecloth fabric. We have been having trouble agreeing on whether to put a thin layer of sheetrock or ??? Something else. This might be our solution.
They had several rows of beautiful doors.
Back east to Dover was another interesting stop. This was Warthers. Mooney Warther was a steel worker who loved to carve. It became more than a hobby and he had a workshop
behind their home. He also collected
arrowheads and some are displayed in the workshop. Our very knowledgeable docent took us through the home and we learned of their meager life. Freida collectedbuttons. And displayed them by sewing with dental floss, then glued the back. No duplicates in all the thousands of buttons.
The center button of this star was from Mrs. Lincoln’s inaugural dress. The
Goodyear display included all rubber buttons. She even had
cracker jack buttons.
When Mooney was a young boy a hobo taught him how to fashion a pair of pliers out of one piece of wood with only eight cuts. This started him. He found a knife and his career started.
We saw his model of the steel mill with the workers doing their job, one eating his dessert first and another drinking a bottle of buttermilk. All of this moved with a motor and belts below.
Later he took a one foot piece of wood and cut all these pliers. They are not carved. There is no scrap. These sixty sets of pliers are all connected. In fact, they can be gently refolded into the same one foot plank. The look on the men’s faces behind the display says more than we can.
Then he started carving
steam engines and trains. The first were out of walnut, a common wood in this area and graduated to include
ivory, which was available in the early part of the 1900’s. This was taking place between 1912 and 1980’s.
Ebony, a very heavy wood was used for the bridge and other trains including the
the Lincoln Funeral train which had details inside, including the open casket with Lincoln inside.
Mooney discovered the importance of knives that would hold their edge against ebony and ivory. He decided to make his own. He developed his own techniques for tempering and sharpening a steel blade that would keeps its sharp edge. Today, the Warthers are in their fourth generation of knife making and only sell in their gift shop or mail orders. go to to see more of all of this wonderful place.
We were glad we had stayed over to see both of these places.
Back at the trailer Fred pointed out a bird on it’s nest in the gravel of vacant camping spot. He discovered it when he walked out and the bird started acting hurt and diverting his attention from the nest. When Olivia opened the trailer door to take her picture on the nest, she would be gone before Olivia could get out the door. Finally Olivia took her picture out the window. Can you find her? We were able to get a picture of the
eggs. Also very camouflaged
Wednesday, May 12 While growing up in Waxahachie, Olivia and her parents were very good friends with Ruth & John Frisches. Olivia and their daughter Rebecca went to school all 12 years together and our parents were in the same bridge club. Both our mother’s name was Ruth. Ruth F played the piano for our dancing instructor. After the parents retired they traveled all over together. When we went to Europe the Frisches did too. Ruth played the organ and John sang at our wedding. Fred and I enjoyed their company all during our married life.
All this to say John Frische grew up in Wapakoneta, Ohio, he married a girl from Waxahachie and their last name was Frische. Try spelling or saying g that without help! Today we arrived in Grand Lake St Mary’s State Park just a few miles from Wapakoneta. From Rebecca, we understand her cousin lives on the farm where John grew up. This is a beautiful park and just happens to be where Mother broke her back when they were camped here in 1984. I promise not to do the same.
Shortly after arriving the Canadian geese couple we have been seeing at most campgrounds arrived to meet us. This time they had babies! They were proud to show them off as they walked up very close to Olivia. There were other couples with chicks too,
but this couple had the most and showed them off the best.
Thursday, May 13, we made contact with Barbara Frische and she offered to share their world with us on Friday evening. Plans were made to come later in the day. We drove into Wapakoneta, visited CVS, Wal-Mart and drove around town a little. We attempted to find the Frische farm on the way back to St Mary’s and Kroger's.
Friday, May 14 we caught up on housekeeping and laundry, then met Rob & Barbara Frische at their office.We ate at an interesting local place called the “In Between” as it is between two small towns. It was very popular and we were glad we arrived early as there was a line when we left. Our conversations varied through out the evening. Talking about John, Ruth, and Rebecca, Wapakoneta Frische’s, stories of our parents, their stories, our stories the conversation was like we had known each other forever.
We followed them to the Frische Farm, a tour of the
house and a stroll behind the barns to the
orchard and pine trees. They have about 100 acres and a farmer friend rents the farm for crops. Olivia remembered John Frische telling about walking to school in the snow. Well at the end of Frische Lane was the
elementary school he attended. Now we’re sure he did walk to school. The building has been bought and now is a well cared for home. Down the road a short piece was a cemetery with Frische graves. Rob had not done genealogy, but he knew they were ancestors.
Rob took us into Wapakoneta, named after Chief Wapa and his wife Koneta, which was the Shawnee Council House (Capitol) from 1798-1832, when they were moved to Kansas. Another sad Indian story. Wapa was also the home of Neil Armstrong and there is an Air & Space Museum here.
We stopped in front ofBloom High School were John and brother Carl went to high school. It is now a senior retirement home, probably with some of it’s students now living there. Our next stop was their church, the St Paul United Church of Christ. This is the church of the Frische’s for generations. He pointed out a
window in memory of his great, great, great grandmother Mary Frische Taeusch. The last name was a second marriage for her.
Back at the farm the talented
Barbara was in the middle of decoration hundreds of cupcakes for a wedding party the next day. We enjoyed visiting them and seeing the Frische history and wished for Rebecca to be with us, but we enjoyed it for her.
Again we realize we live in a great country with a lot of good friendly people in it. Too bad the few bad apples get all the publicity.
Saturday, May 15 we awoke to a beautiful clear and windless day. The campground had filled when we arrived home last night, and visitors were walking around our little portion of the lake.
We prowled to Ft Recovery near the Indiana border and found their stockade.
Did you know?
That the defeat of the US Army in 1791 was the greatest victory of a Native force over a white invading force in the history of the world?
That the two largest Indian battles in the USA occurred here at Ft Recovery?
That on November 4, 1791 the US Army suffered its worst defeat in American history? Almost 65% of the ENTIRE US Army was killed in three hours?
That the very first US congressional investigation occurred as a result of the defeat led by General St. Clair in 1791?
That the largest confederation of Indians ever organized fought here at Ft Recovery in 1794? Over 1200 Indians were organized in a loose confederation by Chief Little Turtle.
That the Battle of Ft Recovery on June 30 & 31, 1794 broke up the Indian confederation forever?
That the Battle of Ft Recovery (Wayne’s Victory paved the way for US westward expansion and insured the very survival of the USA?
Time for a little history lesson:
Following the Ordinance of 1787 the Indians, aided by the British, fought fiercely for their homes. The first US Army sent to break the Indians resistance was commanded by General Harmar. It met defeat in 1790 at the Miami Indian villages, presently Ft Wayne, IN.
General St Claire made the second attempt with a sadly trained army. He marched north from Ft Washington at Cincinnati and reached this place on Nov 3, 1791. The following morning the army found itself surrounded by an Indian force commanded by Chief Little Turtle. After a furious battle, St Clair’s troops broke through the enemy encirclement and retreated southward. Here on this field they left approximately 900 dead and wounded.
In 1793 Gen “Mad” Anthony Wayne led a third expedition against the Indians on this site. He build a post significantly named Ft Recovery. Dec 23-26, 1793 here was won the battle of Ft Recovery, the most signal victory of the Indian wars. A force of nearly 2,000 Indians, under Chief Little Turtle, together with Canadian Militiamen and British officers, attacked a supply convoy near the fort, this detachment retreated within the stockade. The battle continued into the following day, then the Indians retreated, beaten and divided, never again to gather in such force to challenge Wayne.
The battle of Ft Recovery was followed by Wayne’s decisive defeat of the Indian confederacy at Fallen Timbers, near Toledo, Aug 20, 1794. The following year the Treaty of Greene Ville was signed which placed the Indians under the control of the US and opened the Northwest Territory, in part, to peaceful American settlement.
During the St Clair’s defeat, there were over 300 camp followers of women and children.
Olivia couldn’t help but laugh about the frying pan. When we were first married and Fred went to work for IBM, they sent him to California for ten weeks. Olivia was concerned in a new house with Angie about two years old. Olivia took her iron skillet to bed with her for defense! Guess it wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
From there we traveled east and a little south to the birthplace of
Annie Oakley. She was born Phoebe Ann Moses in Patterson township, Ohio in 1860 in a log cabin
Widowed, her mother remarried but was widowed again and Annie was put in the county poor farm where she learned to sew and embroider.
Annie began to shoot game at age nine to support her mother and siblings. She became a crack shot. Word of mouth about her spread so much that by age 16, Annie was off to Cincinnati to enter a shooting contest with Frank E Butler. He was an accomplished marksman but Annie beat him by one point and won his heart at the same time.
They were married in 1876. Frank soon realized she was more talented and gave her the limelight, becoming her manager. In 1885 they joined Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show.
She died in 1936 at the age of 66 of pernicious anemia and her husband died three weeks later. They are buried in the
On the way back to the campground we drove through Ft Laramie and couldn’t resist the pull of ice cream at the Dairy King. It was next to a parkway down the middle of town, where we discovered had been the
So much for this week and all these pictures posted.
Next letter will be Indiana.
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